Oh No! I Thought My Child Was Potty Trained

Live with the Constipation Guru's Annette Thomas MSPT & Jessica O'Connell RD, LD

When You Attend, You Will Learn...

Many parents begin the potty training process not realizing it is going to take more than three days or that it will require daily awareness of their child's toileting habits well beyond the initial training. 

Potty training is a very common time for kids to learn to withhold stool which can lead to a cycle of constipation and stool accidents. 

Annette Thomas MSPT and Jessica O'Connell RD, LD are excited to share their knowledge of constipation and withholding. 

During this webinar they will share common causes of constipation and stool withholding and share steps to take to help your child get back on track.

Join us on April 2nd to speak with Annette & Jessica LIVE!